Folding electric bikes are an efficient way to get around paved and unpaved areas as you run errands. Electric bikes are often used on regular pedestrian pathways or sidewalks. Local laws and regulations apply and may stipulate a minimum age as well as a helmet in certain cases.
Electric bikes can be a great way to get around protected parks and camping areas as well as beaches. Many areas treat electric bikes just like regular bikes and do not consider them to be a motorized vehicle. Run errands using a folding bike and save gas as well as time looking for a parking spot.
Folding electric bikes will easily fit in the back of an SUV and will typically use one or two batteries. Some models are designed to fold up small enough for regular use as you take buses as well. Check the battery and motor specifications to find out how long the battery will last. Some models come with LCD displays showing battery life as well as pedal assist and power setting options.
You can expect these bikes to go about 20 to 25 miles one one battery charge without pedal assist. Many models will go between 40 and 50 miles using pedal assist on light terrain or boardwalks. These bikes often weigh between 50 and 100 pounds and may have batteries that come out quickly when you need to park.
E-LUX Electric Bikes are designed with your style and comfort in mind and have customization options for cruisers and off-road styles. We offer gel seats and mag wheels as well as heavy-duty brakes with off-road suspension systems. Our bikes are designed with an especially long range and are made for many years of rugged adventures.
Contact E-LUX Electric Bikes for more information. You can also watch videos and subscribe to their Youtube channel.